
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why are other people's refrigerators gross?

As I was wrote my blog post the other day about other people stocking my refrigerator  I had another thought about those pesky things that I just couldn't let go unsaid...

Why are other people's refrigerators gross?

I am not saying this in a rude or mean way at all. In fact, I am asking in a purely educational tone.

Have you ever noticed that when you go inside someone else's refrigerator you are immediately less hungry. This even applies to my childhood fridge which I can open at my parent's house (it still contains virtually the same shopping list of items though all of the children have moved out) and think to myself why is there so much crap in here? I don't want to touch those leftovers. Eeww what could be in that aluminum foil.

In fact, the worst thing about someone else's refrigerator is someone else's leftovers. I don't know where you got those. I don't know how you ate them (fingers, fork, with bread?). I don't know how long they sat out before you refrigerated them. And, as I am I giving myself goose bumps just thinking about someone else's food, I will even present you this thought- I don't know how many times you have eaten pieces of this meal since bringing it home thereby double contaminating it.

I love my parents, I love my friends, I love my family-
I do not love their refrigerators.

Don't believe me... well I saved you the trouble and Googled "pictures of people's refrigerators" just to prove to you how much of the "Yeah, I'm no longer hungry"s you get:

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