
Friday, January 27, 2012

Should I buy my own pots and pans?

I am having an internal debate of somewhat epic proportions. That is actually a gross exaggeration- my apologies. I am current contemplating something that may or may not be important at all in the long run. (There, that is better.)

I know a few wives of chefs who are vegetarians. I know this is incredibly bizarre and I swear I don't seek these people how but they find me, and then we talk, and then I tell stories about them. So, I was talking to one of them and she asked if I have separate pots and pans at home that meat cannot be cooked in them. I told her that no I do not because my mister doesn't really cook meat in pans at home, pretty much just on the grill. Then she asked if I used to cook meat in them when I wasn't a vegetarian 3 years ago. Yes, I did, because before I was a vegetarian I was a meat eater- so obviously.

"Oh. Okay," was all that she said. But in a rude and judgmental tone.

Ummmm... is this a thing? If there are things that those in the vegetarian crowd should know and be aware of so to be considered by their peers as committed to the lifestyle- publish a book of rules or something. Don't you think I am less vegetarian than you because 3 years ago chicken was cooked in my pans. I am out here busting my butt not eating animals and inconveniencing those around me because of my self-imposed diet restrictions. Don't you judge me.

So then, after I ranted (it went on much longer than what is written above... I don't want to bore you with the details) I wondered... do I need to get my own pots and pans? This is conversation that ensued... to cut to the chase... I still don't know what the answer is.

So I asked my husband, "Do we need separate pots and pans?"

"What? Why would you?"

"Because meat was cooked in them."

"Yeah, a really long time ago."

"But, still, should I?"

"I don't know. That sounds weird.Where are you going to put them all? I just cleaned out the cabinets and everything already has a spot."

"Well I would find a place if I wanted to!" I'm starting to annoyed because this is not the point of the conversation.

"Okay. How much are you willing to spend on these pots and pans?"

"I don't know, why?"

"Because I really don't want you buying crappy ones. We just got away from those."

"You really aren't helping."

"Probably because it's a silly idea."

I am exasperated at this point so I walk out.

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