
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Beefing up with Broccoli and Beef

There is a saying, "never trust a skinny chef" and apparently my chef has taken this to heart. He is, what one would call, if one were to live in a world where people talked about other people's appearances, "a skinny chef." 

While the rest of us will work out harder, portion control better and scold ourselves more, in these weeks preceding the holidays; he is going to indulge in the simple art of eating constantly. Have you not heard of this art form? Oh my gosh, let me explain it to you. This is where people who profess to not be able to gain weight (I am still not quite sure that this is true, I feel the only real test would be to live with Paula Deen for a month and see if your waistline is unaffected), eat whatever, whenever and wherever. When you are a chef and you decide to put some weight on- you do it with a little extra pizazz. I'm not talking about protein shakes and casseroles loaded with more protein and extra calories.

That means that tonight I watched him make food for a week. It included: a 2 quart crock pot of chili, 10 bags of beef & broccoli & noodles, and 2 whole chickens cooked in a sauce of everything in our pantry. These chickens have been sliced, diced and carved up to create a week's worth of sandwiches, rice bowls, burritos, etc. And sure, maybe this doesn't sound that ridiculous but the really important thing to note here is that he works from 11am-11pm everyday. So, this food is for the hours of Midnight-10:30am... he will take care of the rest of the meals (breakfast, lunch, snack, early dinner, late dinner and dessert) at work.

It's a strange life... being a chef's wife.  

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha
    Nice blog. Really funny and strange to hear about a skinny Chef :)
